Adam Poplawski's photo Hey there 👋

My name is Adam and I’m an aspiring Frontend developer and teacher of IT skills.

You might be interested in checking the list of my skills. Don’t forget to have a glimpse at my projects. I’m looking for a new challenges so if you have one - contact me 😊

My skills


Working knowledge

  • Semantic HTML 5
  • Flexbox
  • Markdown
  • JS: local storage
  • Figma
  • CSS grid
  • Forms
  • JS: DOM manipulations
  • SASS

Know something about

  • Javascript ES6 + features
  • CSS animations
  • Working with API
  • NPM Scripts
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Git
  • Accessibility

Want to learn

  • React JS
  • Node JS
  • Electron
  • Server side rendering
  • Typescript
  • Gatsby
  • Websockets

Recent projects

I started my frontend developer path in 2020. Since then, I’ve built some projects. Here’s the list of the things I’ve done so far.

Contact me

I’m open for new opportunities. If you have one for me we should talk!